Seeds Are In!

Alcea Seedling
Alcea Seedlings

It’s that exciting time of year! Start planning and brainstorming your new gardening endeavors! We carry Seed Savers Exchange, Hart’s Seeds, and
select Renee’s Seeds. One of my
favorite things to do this time of year is to read a good farming book to get me brainstorming, sit down with a nice cup of coffee and draw up what I’d like to grow and accomplish during the coming season. If you’re not sure where to begin,  here are some ideas to get in the spirit…
Using your browser: Search websites like ours as well as Pintrest, Google,
Instagram and Facebook to get tips, look at pictures and find out what other people are sharing.
Turn the pages: Find farming books, floral magazines, and catalogs to draw inspiration.
Look out your window: Are you happy with your layout? Need more, or less? What grew well and what didn’t and why?
The season is coming fast! The more you plan, the more prepared you are when the time comes!